diumenge, 17 de maig del 2015


Imagine now that you have to show your English level to apply for your university/studies/work. From your portfolio/space of 1st batxillerat and 2nd batxillerat choose:

- Your best oral evidence  (podcast or presentation) --> http://lydiapereiraenglishblog.blogspot.com.es/2015/03/dialogue_11.html 

- Your best written evidence  (composition, forum, blogpost, summary...) -->  http://lydiapereiraenglishblog.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/18s.HTML

- Insert the Links of your best oral evidence and best written evidence (URL of the post on your blog)
- Why have you chosen these evidence and not the others?
- What specifically makes it your best work according to you?
   Use personal and linguistic arguments to support your point.

I’ve chosen the last dialoge I did as my best oral evidence because I remember that was the best idea for a dialogue. I recorded it with Giorgia and we came up with the spontaneous idea of two old women. The idea was incredible, the dialogue turned out to be funny and the vocabulary was correct.
The other one I’ve chosen is one of my latest posts. I’ve chosen this one for two reasons: First, for the good expressions and gramar, and secondly, for the experience that I explain in the text, which is my eighteenth birthday! I think I’ve written it very well because the topic that I’ve chosen is an important day and experience of my life.
I think that if I had to choose some of my posts, these ones would be my best ones mainly because of the topics  explain there.

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2015


1.1 Compare your first written document (email to teacher) and your last composition.
1.2 Compare your first oral presentation and your final oral presentation.

  • Can you see any differences? Which? Give some examples.
  • Can you give linguistic arguments to support your analysis?
  Analyze the content, structure, language, presentation, fluency, pronunciation...
  with the help of these grids.
Can you see a personal development in these documents?

The first document: http://lydiapereiraenglishblog.blogspot.com.es/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=7

The last composition: http://lydiapereiraenglishblog.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/new-3-glorious-moms-of-animals-kingdom.HTML


After these years writing on my blog, I can see some differences in my posts, such as some gramatical mistakes that today I see but when I wrote the text I couldn’t see.
Besides, in my opinion, I have changed a lot my style because when I started the blog I used to put a lot of pictures and I combined the text with pictures. However, now I still put some pictures but I have a lot of posts without them, like the newest one.
The topic of my first post was a dream, labeled under the yoursay’s tag. The other is a new, which isn't complicated because if you were focused on reading the text, you can write a good post.
I think that my English changes since the first post I wrote are fantastic.

diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015


The elephants are  intelligent animals that love their family. The article explains that some humans are in  Africa when the youngest elephant goes to them. The Little elephant starts to do some sounds that alerts his mom. The person who is there says that the elephant tells to his mother than  humans are between they because their car was situated inter mother and son.
He also explains that the elephant mother helps her son to go away without a lesion. That's incredible, the natural things are inimaginable.

NEW 2: The great catwalk of China: 41 new radical designers.


Chinese people  were already obsessed with the western brands. It's for that the designers did a catwalk to expose some of their makes that some of that people will love a lot. The fashionista with a famous name Works a lot with  extravagance experts to make good designs.
There are different types of dresses. The radical designers were 41 and they exposed some of their collections only to demonstrate a Little bit that.
Hard work has always good results



shrink tiny

A German cientifics team invented a new experience and a new innovation that is an estrange car that is  like a crab shrink with a simple wheels movement and with it you can pass of all tiny spaces.
They invented that because when they're in a  hurry to go work, they always find a lot of cars and no space to park the car. Now with that great invent they can find the parking easily and also they can pass with other streets that don't be the principal routes and also the consume is different because it's electric!

I think that's a good idea and if they need that, they find the key.



The cartoons changed a lot throughout the years.

Some years ago, cartoons were some happy draws that talked and had adventures with their friends in some fantastic places.
Nowadays that prototype of cartoons has changed.  because now the cartoons were be some people that pass some thinks that will be passed in every family but without an adequate vocabulary or character.

I think that the bests cartoons that we have now in television were the cartoons that was there since our parent's days like Heidi or the Human body, that were the authentical cartoons and with them the children learn some moral values like friendship, something that the nowadays children don't have because they prefer the play3.


Hey, what's up kids? Is everything  ok? Is everything alright ? and I am happy for that!
(Hey, ¿qué pasa chavales? ¿todo bien? ¿todo correcto? ¡Y yo que me alegro!)
Do you know what I mean?
Yes, that was the introduction of AuronPlay at all of his videos.
Auron Play is a famous youtuber that uploads weekly videos with critics to every topics. He was sometimes on tv where he explains his experience.
I'm very fan of Auron because he does good videos where he says some things that everyone thinks but nobody would say.  He  do jokes and you can send him your comments and some proposals to new videos.
Other famous youtubers are Rubious or Fortfast WTF



The future will be near and I'm excited because I will pass the Institut del Teatre tests and enter to that excellent dramatic school to study theatre.

Everyday of my life I said that I would be an actress, I would play the big Shakespeare's acts like Hamlet or Macbeth.
I'm not a greedy person. I wouldn't be famous for money or fame. I will be an actress because I love acting, I like everything that is related with theatre, cinema or music. All my future life is based on that, on art themes.

That's my dream and I will fight for it till the end!


Hello to everybody!

I'm very stressed because that week is going to be the most difficult of all school year! everyday we have an exam!
If you don't pass the exam, I mean if you fail, you have the opportunity to retake the exam.
That's a bad period but we need to see the good part of all of that. Next year, If we have goodwill, we could study something that we want and that would be incredible!
All our efforts have good results, but we need to concentrate! Even if the route is difficult  the results will be excellent. It's worth it!


Last third of May  was my birthday. Now I'm eighteen and I'm like an adult but with Young cravings.

This year my birthday was very special. My fiends Nil and Giorgia prepared a game that consists in riding a bicycle and finding some cards in Castelló. These cards were very special because they showed me places where Giorgia, Nil and I passed good adventures and funny moments.
When I finished the route and got home, another surprise was waiting for me! They have been prepared a birthday cake and a present that was a photo of us in our childhood. That was a lovely present.
My  friends also made me a surprise birthday dinner and  gave me lots of presents, one of them was money to spend on a theatre ticket, something that I love.

And finally, the last present was from my parents  (because the other ones were the day before). They gave me a parachute jump as a present. That was one of the best experiences of my life!!
I'm very happy to be eighteen years old, and  I'm also very happy to start my adulthood like this.

dissabte, 9 de maig del 2015


When you have pets, it's like having "real" friends because all animals have feelings that they can show to us in there way.

But, in my opinion not all the pets are comparable because is different to have a dog or have a fish... Why? Because when you have a dog you have an authentical friend  that takes care and consoles you when you are sad. However an animal without a lot of mind capacity, the fish, they can transmit to you their gratitude when you take care of it.

On the other hand I think that when you have pets you have a some disadvantages like  they can transmit or suffer from desease or the problems with there transport, for example.

When you have pets, normally you love them all and when they die you have also a sad period because they are like people.


diumenge, 3 de maig del 2015


2.NEWS, 3rd term: look for a Human Right around the world that is not complied with today http://www.hrw.org/
- Insert the link/video/ and summarize the news in 50 words.
    - What about your country or another country? Is the situation different?
    - Can we as an individual/group take any action to change the situation?



Liesl Gerntholtz explains in this article the situation of the young pregnants at Sierra Leone. They situation is complicate because when the womens are pregnant they haven't the school right. That's the principal cause of the iliteracy reason and that increase with the violation and the marriage arrangements.


1) In my country the situation is different because when a young woman is pregnant, and she's studying, the governement admits her into a school and also she can demands, for example, a private teacher whose help her to outpace the studies without a lost day.

2) Yes, I think that if some people try to do in Sierra Leone a school only to them, they can continue they studies.

dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2015


19 Carrer Pol Sud
17480 Girona
14th April 2015
Queen Sofia of Spain,
Carretera del Pardo s/n
Palacio de la Zarzuela

Your Majesty, 

I am writing this letter to present my complaint because my son enter the last second of April at the prison unjustly. 

I know that my son is not an angel but he is not a criminal. The last second of April he was condemned to twenty years in prison because he was found with blood in his hands and near to a died body. I wish that day he had not been there!
I am sure that he is not a guilty person because he has a lot of enemies that will cause harm to him. 

My request is you do  all is in your hand to help me. My son is not a criminal. I am sure that if the police investigate very deep in that case, they will find clues to prove him innocent. 

I look forward to your majesty finding the ways to help me.

dimarts, 17 de març del 2015


Last year, my family gave me as a  present for my 16th birthday, a parachuting jump. It’s true that I was very excited because I've always wanted to do that but, I'm also very scared and all of questions went throught my mind; like, that I would die in the sky! My parents were also scared of it, specially my father because he didn’t like the idea. However, I wanted to do it, because I’m not a chicken!! When the special day arrived, I met my instructor. The first time you cannot do it alone, and there must be an instructor. While I was flying, I woke up. It was just a dream!!! 


1. What are human rights? 
2. When and why were they created? 
3. How many human rights are there? 
4. Which human right were you not familiar with? 

1) Human rights are rights that all humans have.
 2) They were created at 1948 after the Second World war by the United Nations to preserve all the people rights
3) There are thirty rights
4) I'm not familiar with the "culture and community" right

Watch the video of the right you chose.Make a list of new words you hear, if any. Think of an example where this human right is respected and where it is violated.

GUILT --> culpa
STEAL --> robar

I saw the article 11 of the human rights that are: "We're always innocent till provent guilty"

One example where this human right is violated is when somebody acuse to someone to do something and then that's false; you can't acuse the other person without prove because you broke them privacity.

Othere example where this human right is respected is at the police investigation because they can't arrest somebody without demonstrates.

Also I saw the article 19 of the humans rights that are: "Freedom of expression"

HOLD --> Tenir, agafar
SEEK --> buscar
REGARDLESS --> en qualsevol cas

EXAMPLE WHEN THE RIGHT IS VIOLATED: At 2012, a theatre company of Spain created a particular show that calls "La familia irreal" and that shows with a big part of humour sence all the troubles that the royal house have inside of the family. That show had a lot of troubles and a censor part before that could be made a debout.

EXAMPLE WHEN THE RIGHT IS RESPECTED: I think that this right is respected in all songs and all poems. Now, the singers can make them songs and can express everything they will. Also some TV programs have this right. Some examples were: SKA-P or POLÒNIA.

dimecres, 11 de març del 2015


Melendi is a spanish singer that starts his fame at the nineten century. At the start of his period he did some strange songs that talks of drugs, bad moments and happy flowers (they were very contradictory). 
Now, he changes him letters and starts talk about love and others themes that are very far to he. 

I love all of Melendi's music because I think that his letters explains a lot of histories that can occurred to every one of us and also I like because his personality is very eccentric and funny. 

On my research project I have the pleasure to analyze some of his songs and that I think was a good form to know something more of his music. 

That is one of his new songs:


With this post I will confess my new hobby.
Actually, every day, I pass a lot of time inside of my bedroom because there I have my work zone: my personal desk, my books, my computer and all thinks that I could need when I do my daily homework.
In front of I, there are a window where I can see all the street that pass in front of my house and all the sky; the most important factor for my new pastime.
I'm addicted to do immortalize the sunset!

I think that the photos are very important in life because you can remember some special days in your live that you will them endure.
Because I love do photos, I love to do some special photos and the sunset that presents in front of me every day I considere that are special.

Here you can see one of my photos:

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Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional.

TED TALKS: HARRY BAKER: A love poem for lonely prime numbers

Harry Baker is the winner of the Poetry World Cup. He starts to compose when he was eighteen and now he was the prime minister (like he designates) of the poets in the world.
In that video he recites some of him poems like the 59 and 60 poem and also he explains that he thinks the poetry is a free expression without borders.

I agree with him because I think that poetry same the music are one of the method to express without borders and also one the free methods because you can camouflage you personal ideals inside a invent history or a make up poem.

slam --> colpejar


When I saw that video I think that I can do my presentation as well that.
I can see that I read in some parts of my presentation and also that was a little bit short.
I think that when I was jam, I could resolve my problems well like when I answer the teacher's final questions because I did my research project and I know a lot of thinks about that subject.
Also I think that the prezi support is complete and have a good structure.

The mark that I put to myself is a 6 because the presentation was short and I read at some periods.

CNN: UK twins turn heads; One is white, the other is black.

There twins were borned at 1997 in the UK them birth was like other but them are so different. 
Lucy Aylmer, left, and Maria Aylmer are twins, despite their radically different appearance.Lucy and Maria Aylmer are twins but one of them is redhead with blue eyes and the other have dark skin and eyes. That's happen because them father is white and them mother is jamaican. 
They are the exception that marks the law because in only 1 than 500 interracial combinations ocurred that things. 
They explains that when they say that are twins, everybody tracts them of liars because nobody belives that. 


CNN: Connecticut teen in remission as forced chemo nears end

Cassandra C. is a Connecticut teen that was diagnosed with Hodgkin Iymphoma. The doctors advise her to do a chemotherapy tratement but she didn't follow the tratement and was for that the hospital doctors were in contact with the Department of Children and Families to force her to complete the tratment and also they take away her mother's safekeeping until she finished the tratment period.

Now, afortunatly, Cassandra compleates her tratment and she's at perfectly condition. Also her safekeeping returns to her mother and she returns to live at they house.

That's a happy end to them because pass a cancer and also all that troubles is very annoying. But if you have cancer and you are a teenager, you are like obligate to do your tratment.


TED TALKS: ISMAEL NAZARIO: What I learned as a kid in jail

Ismael Nazario explains his experience in jail when he was a kid of only sixteen years old. He will change the organization of the american's preasons because the sixteen years old teenagers don't go to correccionals, they go to an adult prison.
He explains that his days in a preason made him reflect on because he live with cruelty and bad methods some days and he saw a lot of people that were think about them future recidivism when they where in prison.

Nazario wants to evit that and he think that the best method is if the preasons were improved because all the inmates pase some time insolated, and that only causes the destruction of inside's person.
Is for that one of the Ismael Nazario's objectives isn't put a teenagers into a militar school, only put them inside a prison where them could improve they habilities and knowledges.


enhance --> improve (millorar)
confinement --> restraint (reclusió)
lungs --> pulmons
hopeless --> inútil
tussle --> fight
cocky --> arrogant
a bunch of --> group (un grup)
kindergarten --> preschool (jardí d'infància)
recidivism --> repeatedly (reincidir)

TED TALKS: SHAWN ACHOR: The happy secret to better work

Shawn Achor started his monologue with a lot of humour but the things that he would explain are very important. He said that we will change our way and our vision about success and happiness because that affects to our reality.
If we see the things like a bad things, our body also see them like that!

We are extremly obsess to will find the key of success that we forget the key of hapiness because we move it away. All of us need to revers all affirmations for happiness and success because (for example): the absence of disease is not health; here's how we get to health.

I think that it is true because we can see the glass middle full or middle empty; that depens on our view.

backwards --> synonym of towards
ripple --> synonym of wave
embedded --> synonym of iset


Two old women that are in the hospital because they're ill, are in front of the cirurgy room. They see how people change and how many people pass into the room. Moreover they are very gossip, and criticize so many people.

G- Hey! Have you seen the last man? He was very fat and he want a liposuction and the doctor said to him that he needed a nose operation, puajajajaja
L- Sure, I've seen him. He was ridiculous.
G- Yes, he was 200kg jajaja
L- This week a women have done a nose operation, when she's gone she didn't seem the same person; I think that she’s more horrible than before. Don’t you?
G- I think so. And what about the doctor? He is operated from head to toes.
L- Oh,really? I think that he’s horrible! And when he enter with a lot of women… that’s hideous!!
G- He is very superficial, he isn’t kind or sympathetic, he is really hateful. He uses women for his interests, and then he disappears of their lives. He found girls and lowers their self-esteem to force them to be operated.
L- When he pass in front of us we can bump him into the floor.
G- But, he can be operated another time, it isn’t useful. I think we have to kill him, don’t you?..


Well, I think talking with Noa was a good experience because she explained us her dialy life in Sydney (Australia) and also we coul ask her some  interesting questions like how many hours she worked or if the family treated her well.
Then, she gave us some advice and the steps to contact an agency and then a good family.

I think that a gap year will be a good experience but before I will have finish my degree.

dimarts, 10 de març del 2015


-This are some soft sell advertisementes; hope you like!


When you have pets, you have some not human friends because all the animals have feelings
that they send to you at them form.
But, in my opinion not all the pets are comparable because is different to have a dog or have a
fish... Why? Because when you have a dog you have a authentically friend  that consoles you
when you are sad but, a fish is an animal without a lot of mind capacity but also they can say to
you thank-you when you take care to them.
For other part I think that when you have pets you have a little bit disadvantages like the
illness that they can pass or the problems with they transport, for example.
When you have pets, normally you love them all and when they die you have also a sadly period because are like a persons.

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015


First Saturday of March; Lizzy and John, a cuple that marry the next day, wants to sign a prenuptial agreement...

LIZZY -> Darling, we can start with the logical things.

JOHN -> Ok, first I think that my mum will come every Sunday to our house and you can make a special lunch. 

LIZZY -> Why? Your mum hates me John!!

JOHN -> No, she doesn't. She loves you like a daughter.

LIZZY -> I'm sure that's not true but if you want that, I will go every Friday with you to have dinner and then we could go to a pub. I think that 5pm is a good hour to go home..

JOHN -> Oh no Lizzy please! You know that I hate going to party.

LIZZY -> And you know that I hate your mother! ;)

TED TALKS: KHADIJA GBLA: My mother’s strange definition of empowerment

In that video, Khadija Gbla, a Sierra Leona's woman, explains the meaning about FGM and her personal experience about that.
FGM is the mutilation of womans; a commoun think that some Africans do.
Khadija was mutilated for a old woman when she was a child and then she went to leave at the United States. In there and when she was a teenager, she remember the moment of her mutilation and she demands the reason to her mummy but they opinions are very diferent.
Now, she is part of an association that intents to stop that. And she demands the colaboration of everybody.


"Over my dead body will you do that to my doughters"
"FGM is child abuse, is violence against women"
"all it takes for evil to prevail is for a few good man and woman to do nothing"

The firts of that three quotes is about a parallel story that Khadija Gbla explains. She said that a indian woman has two doughters and she said that quote to her husband when he explains to her the wish of mutilate they doughters.

The other two sentences are quotes that Khadija said in her monologue and I think that this practice on a little child is an horrour.


-Empowerment = enfortiment
-Anger = indignació
-Harming = fer mal
-Dirty = brut, "obsceno"
-Bullshit = tonteries, invencions (s'utilitza com a paraulota també)


divendres, 30 de gener del 2015


Pop-rock is a type of music that mixes the heavy rhythms of rock with pop letters. This 
movement started in England with the influences from the Rolling Stones and The Beatles 
and it is for that reason that pop-rock arrived to Spain under that first technique that started to 
develop with The Duo Dinamico who are the promoters. 
With my research work I proposed myself to learn about the pop-rock history outside of 
Spain to understand the spanish pop-rock on the different  stages. Also that investigation 
process was accompanied by a study of the famous singers __ and a formal analysis of the topics and structure of a song by group. 
With all of that process my objectives are to learn, investigate and compare the different 
music changes throughout the different periods and the opinions and knowledges of 
different persons with different ages.
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