dimecres, 11 de març del 2015

TED TALKS: SHAWN ACHOR: The happy secret to better work

Shawn Achor started his monologue with a lot of humour but the things that he would explain are very important. He said that we will change our way and our vision about success and happiness because that affects to our reality.
If we see the things like a bad things, our body also see them like that!

We are extremly obsess to will find the key of success that we forget the key of hapiness because we move it away. All of us need to revers all affirmations for happiness and success because (for example): the absence of disease is not health; here's how we get to health.

I think that it is true because we can see the glass middle full or middle empty; that depens on our view.

backwards --> synonym of towards
ripple --> synonym of wave
embedded --> synonym of iset

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